Briseno v. ConAgra Foods Inc.

In recent years, parties entering into class settlements—largely at the urging of courts—have sought to boost the rate at which class members participate in those settlements by reducing gating requirements for submitting claims. In an increasing number of cases, claims are flooding in. But all too often, a meaningful percentage of those claims are fraudulent. And the tools used to submit these improper claims are being used to subvert other parts of the legal system.Continue Reading The implications of skyrocketing fraudulent claims in class action settlements

Can you have a class action if class members can’t reliably be found? That question is at the heart of the debate over ascertainability—one that has divided the federal courts. Earlier this week, the Ninth Circuit weighed in, holding in Briseno v. ConAgra Foods, Inc. (pdf) that plaintiffs need not demonstrate “an administratively feasible way to identify class members [as] a prerequisite to class certification.”

That conclusion is disappointing.Continue Reading Ninth Circuit rejects meaningful ascertainability requirement for class certification, cementing deep circuit split